We want to wrap our wasm module's bindings in something a little friendlier to work with. Here we have the Network class. This will have the wasm module "injected" into it through a constructor parameter. We can then define some functions for communicating with the server.

  • getToDoList: Gets the full list of todo items
  • addToDoItem: Takes the action text of a new todo item and returns the updated list of todo items
  • updateToDoItem: Takes the updated todo item and returns the updated list of items
  • removeToDoItem: Takes the todo item to remove and returns the updated list of items

Internally our class is going to use two helpers, the first is request which makes our fetch call with an optional request body. Once a fetch has resolve, we want to check if it had a status of 200, if not we get the body as text and throw an error with that text, if it was 200 we try and get the body as an ArrayBuffer and pass that along to our other helper. bufferToArray will pass our bytes to the wasm function and try any parse the JSON returned by it. So long as this goes well, we should be returning an array of ToDo items.


import ToDo from '../models/todo';
 * The network service, this wraps up our XHR and wasm interactions
export default class Network {
     * Create's a new Network service
     * @param wasm The WebAssembly module to be used when generating messages
        private wasm,
    ) {}
     * Get the list of todo items from the server
    async getToDoList(): Promise<ToDo[]> {
        return this.request('/todos', null, false);
     * Send a new todo entry to the server and get back a fresh list of todos
     * @param action The text that should appear in the new todo
    async addToDoItem(action: string): Promise<ToDo[]> {
        let body: ArrayBuffer = this.wasm.get_add_message(action)
        console.log('sending new message', body);
        return this.request('/todos', body, true);
     * Send a todo to the server to be updated
     * @param item The item to be updated
    async updateToDoItem(item: ToDo): Promise<ToDo[]> {
        let body: ArrayBuffer = this.wasm.get_update_message(item.id, item.complete, item.action);
        return this.request('/todos', body, true);
     * Send a todo to the server to be removed
     * @param item The todo to be removed
    async removeToDoItem(item: ToDo): Promise<ToDo[]> {
        let body: ArrayBuffer = this.wasm.get_remove_message(item.id);
        return this.request('/todos', body, true);
     * Convert the server's response from raw bytes into an array of ToDo items
     * @param buf The bytes to be converted by the wasm module
    bufferToArray(buf: ArrayBuffer): ToDo[] {
        let json = this.wasm.bincode_to_json(new Uint8Array(buf));
        return JSON.parse(json);
     * Make an HTTP request, throwing for a !200 response
     * @param route the http path to request to
     * @param body The contents of the body
     * @param post If the request is a POST request, false == GET
    private async request(route: string, body: ArrayBuffer, post: boolean = false): Promise<ToDo[]> {
        return fetch(route, {body, method: post ? 'POST' : 'GET'})
            .then(res => {
                if (!res.ok) return res.text().then(msg => {throw new Error(msg)});
                return res.arrayBuffer();
            .then(buf => this.bufferToArray(buf));